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HTML Comparison Tool

HTML Version Support

Our tool supports HTML5, XHTML 1.0/1.1, and HTML 4.01. We automatically detect and handle different HTML versions while maintaining proper DOCTYPE declarations and structure.



Click to edit original HTML

Original HTML - Edit directly or

Click to edit modified HTML

Modified HTML - Edit directly or

Why use this HTML comparison tool?

Compare HTML files with semantic understanding

Highlight structural and content differences

Support for HTML5, XHTML, and legacy HTML formats

Automatic HTML formatting and validation

Export comparison results in multiple formats

How It Works

How HTML Compare Works
  1. 1Paste your HTML code into the left and right editors
  2. 2The tool automatically detects HTML version and formats the code
  3. 3View highlighted differences in structure and content
  4. 4Adjust comparison settings for precise results
  5. 5Download the comparison report or take a screenshot

Premium Features

Unlock advanced HTML comparison capabilities with our premium features:

  • HTML Schema Validation: Ensure compliance with HTML standards
  • Cross-browser Compatibility: Check differences across browser DOMs
  • Accessibility Analysis: Compare accessibility attributes and ARIA roles
  • Template Comparison: Compare dynamic template structures